Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for ME

EAMARE-STEAM project was presented at the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Mathematics Education (AI4ME). AI4ME was a space for research and reflection to better understand the interconnected challenges of instrumental learning of mathematics and instrumental mathematics, taking advantage of the achievements and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence for Mathematical Education. The symposium took place at the CIEM (International Centre for Mathematical meetings, ICMM) in Castro Urdiales, Cantabria from February 28th to March 1st, 2020. The main audience were researchers and phd students.

First day of the Symposium, Zaira Ortiz-Laso gave a 15-minute presentation entitled: ‘Actividades STEAM con formato KIKS [STEAM activities with KIKS formt]’ as part of the topic group STEM and classroom experiences. The final talk of the Symposium: ‘Implementación de la Educación STEM en el aula a través de la tecnología: ventajas e inconvenientes [Implementation of STEM Education through technology: advantages and handicaps]’ was given by José M. Diego-Mantecón.



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